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What is Reggio Emilia Inspired

I was introduced to the Reggio Emilia approach when I did my Masters of Teaching degree at the University of Calgary. I've attached articles below that fully explain this wonderful teaching and learning approach, but wanted to write a quick blurb on what it means to me...


I believe in the Reggio Emilia approach because it encourages and celebrates the curiosities and natural abilities of a child.

To me there is no better way to 'teach' then to get out of the way, and let the children lead their learning based on their interests, with the teacher more of a support guide, a fellow explorer and researcher... 


By providing children with an inspiring learning environment and materials, learning can organically occur as children explore and experience... with their hands, bodies and souls. 


'Reggio' is artsy, creative, nature based, playful, imaginative and family oriented. 


Want your child to experience this type of learning? Please give it a try :)

Contact me and get your child excited about learning! 


About Reggio: About Us
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